Thrive Projects

Welcome To Thrive Farms

To put food security into the hands of the Manx public and guide the Isle of Man to self-sustainability.

Welcome To Thrive Farms

To put food security into the hands of the Manx public and guide the Isle of Man to self-sustainability.

Welcome To Thrive Farms

To put food security into the hands of the Manx public and guide the Isle of Man to self-sustainability.

Who are we and where do you fit in?

At Thrive Farms, sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. Nestled in the scenic north of the Isle of Man, we’re on a mission to cultivate a community built on locally sourced, unadulterated produce. Our dedication to empowering our members with knowledge and resources drives us forward as we work towards a stronger, more resilient future.


Join us as we shape the landscape of sustainable living on the Isle of Man and embark on this journey of growth and abundance together. Join us as we unearth the secrets of sustainable living, cultivate a vibrant network of local producers, and celebrate the Isle of Man’s rich agricultural heritage. Together, we’re sowing the seeds of a brighter, more sustainable tomorrow, and it’s your actions that make you the true hero of our thriving community.

0 members
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0 + members
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What makes us special?

Community owned and ran

Our members are co-owners of Thrive Farms. This means we have a collective responsibility to uphold the values of the society and bring about the vision of Thrive Farms. We invite you, the members, to be a part of the future decision making for both profit spending and company evolution.

Unadulterated and seasonal

We are passionate about providing our island with the best and healthiest produce possible, using natural and traditional methods of growing. We can grow a wide variety of produce on our 2.2 acres of outside growing space, and we also have 2 polytunnels to grow all year-round in.

Hands on education

Aside from our online course on self-sustainability (coming soon), any of our members are welcome to volunteer on our farm to “Learn by doing” anytime they have spare time. This can be from complete beginners to real green thumbs who want to experience farming on a larger scale and join in with a community around you.

Competitive prices

Due to our volunteers, we can keep costs as competitive as possible as they provide the essential labour needed to grow such large quantities of unadulterated food and not struggle to pay all the staff that it takes to keep on top of the huge amount of work growing food needs.

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